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See how your state stacks up below. State25-year-old with minimum coverage25-year-old with complete coverageAlabama$ 636$ 1,649 Alaska$ 544$ 1,476 Arizona$ 646$ 1,613 Arkansas$ 644$ 1,700 California$ 778$ 2,044 Colorado$ 703$ 1,816 Connecticut$ 1,007$ 1,992 Delaware$ 924$ 1,779 District of Columbia$ 849$ 1,770 Florida$ 1,309$ 2,682 Georgia$ 791$ 1,862 Hawaii$ 487$ 1,176 Idaho$ 432$ 1,158 Illinois$ 508$ 1,364 Indiana$ 480$ 1,192 Iowa$ 359$ 1,189 Kansas$ 489$ 1,539 Kentucky$ 1,142$ 2,574 Louisiana$ 1,294$ 3,555 Maine$ 438$ 1,112 Maryland$ 917$ 1,881 Massachusetts$ 605$ 1,468 Michigan$ 1,290$ 2,507 Minnesota$ 632$ 1,472 Mississippi$ 642$ 1,746 Missouri$ 584$ 1,586 Montana$ 432$ 1,428 Nebraska$ 482$ 1,374 Nevada$ 1,006$ 2,139 New Hampshire$ 500$ 1,269 New Jersey$ 1,086$ 2,024 New Mexico$ 539$ 1,430 New york city$ 1,067$ 2,165 North Carolina$ 446$ 1,173 North Dakota$ 449$ 1,460 Ohio$ 527$ 1,241 Oklahoma$ 640$ 1,793 Oregon$ 720$ 1,418 Pennsylvania$ 453$ 1,333 Rhode Island$ 928$ 1,956 South Carolina$ 759$ 1,706 South Dakota$ 363$ 1,449 Tennessee$ 505$ 1,444 Texas$ 753$ 1,721 Utah$ 665$ 1,416 Vermont$ 447$ 1,150 Virginia$ 380$ 1,185 Washington$ 746$ 1,501 West Virginia$ 572$ 1,534 Wisconsin$ 402$ 1,157 Wyoming$ 368$ 1,340 Drivers around the age of 40 remain in a car insurance coverage sweet spot. Due to the fact that this age tends to get in less accidents than other age groups, they generally can get the cheapest rates.

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Aside from USAA, which is just available to military, veterans and their families, Geico offers the most affordable price for full coverage expense for 40-year-olds at $1,198, typically, while Farmers Insurance can be found in at the greatest at $1,865, typically. Compare national typical annual cars and truck insurance rates for 40-year-olds by company and by state listed below.

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Company40-year-old with minimum coverage40-year-old with full coverageAllstate$ 784$ 1,834 American Household$ 601$ 1,233 Farmers$ 926$ 1,865 Geico$ 478$ 1,198 Liberty Mutual$ 900$ 1,778 Nationwide$ 682$ 1,349 Progressive$ 774$ 1,766 State Farm$ 624$ 1,511 Travelers$ 815$ 1,528 USAA *$ 415$ 1,023 * USAA is just available to military, veterans and their families. While  More In-Depth  vary by state, 40-year-olds in a number of states, including Idaho, Indiana and Virginia, can pay less than $1,000 a year, usually, for complete coverage policies. Comparable motorists in other states could pay less than $2,000 a year for full protection, typically.

See how your state stacks up below. State40-year-old with minimum coverage40-year-old with complete coverageAlabama$ 558$ 1,401 Alaska$ 456$ 1,180 Arizona$ 581$ 1,409 Arkansas$ 558$ 1,427 California$ 636$ 1,627 Colorado$ 636$ 1,570 Connecticut$ 854$ 1,683 Delaware$ 839$ 1,559 District of Columbia$ 755$ 1,527 Florida$ 1,188$ 2,352 Georgia$ 690$ 1,594 Hawaii$ 487$ 1,176 Idaho$ 362$ 937Illinois$ 437$ 1,163 Indiana$ 409$ 994Iowa$ 309$ 997Kansas$ 434$ 1,306 Kentucky$ 983$ 2,161 Louisiana$ 1,150$ 2,971 Maine$ 367$ 916Maryland$ 800$ 1,595 Massachusetts$ 550$ 1,299 Michigan$ 1,285$ 2,331 Minnesota$ 579$ 1,280 Mississippi$ 513$ 1,385 Missouri$ 505$ 1,339 Montana$ 395$ 1,252 Nebraska$ 420$ 1,181 Nevada$ 902$ 1,881 New Hampshire$ 415$ 1,056 New Jersey$ 994$ 1,759 New Mexico$ 484$ 1,241 New york city$ 1,026$ 1,962 North Carolina$ 411$ 1,075 North Dakota$ 400$ 1,235 Ohio$ 463$ 1,051 Oklahoma$ 583$ 1,595 Oregon$ 639$ 1,228 Pennsylvania$ 413$ 1,167 Rhode Island$ 820$ 1,684 South Carolina$ 656$ 1,458 South Dakota$ 312$ 1,245 Tennessee$ 426$ 1,170 Texas$ 664$ 1,471 Utah$ 607$ 1,248 Vermont$ 381$ 960Virginia$ 327$ 993Washington$ 652$ 1,261 West Virginia$ 504$ 1,307 Wisconsin$ 359$ 1,005 Wyoming$ 333$ 1,184 After a DUI, your automobile insurance coverage rate will increase sometimes, 75% or more. But one thing you can manage that can affect rates the most is your insurance provider.

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Below you can compare company averages for 40-year-olds before and after a DUI. Bear in mind that not all of these business are readily available in every state. CompanyDrivers without a DUIDrivers with a DUIAllstate$ 1,834$ 3,301 American Family$ 1,233$ 1,397 Farmers$ 1,865$ 2,866 Geico$ 1,198$ 2,743 Liberty Mutual$ 1,778$ 4,128 Nationwide$ 1,349$ 3,016 Progressive$ 1,766$ 2,263 State Farm$ 1,511$ 2,549 Travelers$ 1,528$ 2,332 USAA *$ 1,023$ 1,925 * USAA is just available to military, veterans and their families. While your rate will increase after a DUI, just how much it does depends in part on which state you reside in.

Nevertheless, a DUI in North Carolina more than tripled typical rates in our analysis, including more than $3,000 to the yearly expense of complete protection vehicle insurance for 40-year-old drivers. See below for how your state determines up. StateDrivers without a DUIDrivers with a DUIAlabama$ 1,401$ 2,484 Alaska$ 1,180$ 1,842 Arizona$ 1,409$ 2,793 Arkansas$ 1,427$ 2,369 California$ 1,627$ 4,006 Colorado$ 1,570$ 2,373 Connecticut$ 1,683$ 3,169 Delaware$ 1,559$ 2,583 District of Columbia$ 1,527$ 2,571 Florida$ 2,352$ 3,681 Georgia$ 1,594$ 2,914 Hawaii$ 1,176$ 4,153 Idaho$ 937$ 1,494 Illinois$ 1,163$ 1,888 Indiana$ 994$ 1,538 Iowa$ 997$ 1,694 Kansas$ 1,306$ 2,177 Kentucky$ 2,161$ 3,598 Louisiana$ 2,971$ 4,118 Maine$ 916$ 1,521 Maryland$ 1,595$ 2,543 Massachusetts$ 1,299$ 2,352 Michigan$ 2,331$ 5,807 Minnesota$ 1,280$ 2,337 Mississippi$ 1,385$ 2,297 Missouri$ 1,339$ 1,910 Montana$ 1,252$ 2,092 Nebraska$ 1,181$ 1,737 Nevada$ 1,881$ 2,987 New Hampshire$ 1,056$ 1,866 New Jersey$ 1,759$ 3,013 New Mexico$ 1,241$ 1,954 New York$ 1,962$ 2,960 North Carolina$ 1,075$ 4,409 North Dakota$ 1,235$ 2,190 Ohio$ 1,051$ 1,701 Oklahoma$ 1,595$ 2,491 Oregon$ 1,228$ 1,837 Pennsylvania$ 1,167$ 1,837 Rhode Island$ 1,684$ 3,346 South Carolina$ 1,458$ 2,203 South Dakota$ 1,245$ 2,186 Tennessee$ 1,170$ 2,096 Texas$ 1,471$ 2,290 Utah$ 1,248$ 1,898 Vermont$ 993$ 2,052 Virginia$ 960$ 1,567 Washington$ 1,261$ 2,024 West Virginia$ 1,307$ 2,090 Wisconsin$ 1,005$ 1,935 Wyoming$ 1,184$ 2,179 Your credit history is among the biggest elements affecting your automobile insurance quote in all states except California, Hawaii and Massachusetts.